The weekend “treats” demons in my head

Good morning everybody, although my family buys treats for the weekend I’m still struggling with my sugar addiction thinking that it’s not good , you should not eat that. I know that doctors and newspapers blast everyday that to much sugar is bad for
you .
Where was the doctors like 30 years ago that could have told my father how much sugar it was in alcohol.
Enough about that lets go back to my thoughts and demons , the sugar in candy is very tough on everybody because you know good gelatine candy smell , just the taste of your favorite candy , the texture of it , it is just a "little person" in
your head telling you " buy it , eat it, enjoy it " . Just walk away from that just walk away from that .
I know sugar is hard to resist but you have too .
Just keep on fighting it . 🤜🏻
Chocolate is the same thoughts , it’s just the taste, the smell of it , the texture, all of that but it’s still the same damn thoughts running around in my head.
Just fight it 🤜🏻
Potato chips , I know everybody wants to enjoy a nice bag of chips but you can still do so much better then that , your health is not worth throwing away. I have actually in my 563 days only 1 time smelled a chips because a friend to my family offered
my family some super spicy chips at here party. That was the only thing I needed to feel that chips is not my thing anymore.
If you guys have read all the way down here thank you so much for all your support.
Love you all peace ✌️