My training vs the myth about talking New Year’s resolution

Hi guys what’s up today with everybody? I know I know I don’t post anything about me training right now but I have had like I said before that there have been some very problematic obstacles in my way a while ago.
Before I started training the very first time I was living a kind of good life I taught but at the end before my first training at the gym it came to me like a kick in the face that I might not make it long in life for my boys and my wife. I went
to the gym and did one time training trial with a PT .
After that I decided to do everything myself and learn myself because in my mind that you
Can’t go all the way if you don’t put in the work yourself. I think I have been keeping it up pretty good until a while back when everything became to much for me. I pulled "the plug" on this and now I miss it.
I’m starting to see my future rebuilding up in front of me and now I’m starting to build up the courage to go back to the place I once was good at .
I’m still isn’t gonna take on a PT , not to back talk them but I wanna do this all alone.
When it comes to this so called "new year’s resolution " this is so over rated and old as the street you grow up on , stop saying " I’m gonna start to go to the gym " or you say " this year I’m gonna live a healthier
lifestyle " can you guys and gals stop waiting to the and of the old year and the beginning of the new .
If you wanna change your life, just change it, there is no excuses there is no substitute , there is only JUST GO AHEAD. Everybody can do it , everybody will do it .
Stop being so lazy, do take help from anyone that you now in the and that will profit from you. They all started some were too with as little knowledge is you have right now.
If you have made a decision you will make it all the way and to keep on fighting for it .
Thank you guys so much for the support and love thank you so much for reading this.
Love you all see you guys soon